“The Riches of Girl Power” By Jasmine McCaskill
Lets set our clocks back two hundred years ago. We are now in the 1800’s, and during this time in society, women were subjected to silence. We did not have a voice because we were considered inferior. Education was just a mere dream, and there was nothing in store for us young women, but becoming slaves to labor. Now, let’s set our clocks forward to the present, where girl power is an evolving movement that highlights the power of women in society.
Girl power is something that pushes our will to survive in a society so heavily dependent on the duties of men, but still allows women to participate in the formation of society. But what some men fail to realize is that without us, they would not have a backbone. Over the course of time we have been the sweet whisperers of wisdom, and the gentle smiles that gave great inspiration. We can relate this to the great backbones of our fellow leaders, like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama. The power of our presence is real! Girls have become the treasures of society, with their voices being strengthened each day by the encouragement of one another. Girl power is a united front. It is not meant to tear down or destroy, but to build, strengthen, and promote unity. Us, girls have stirred so much commotion in the way people think, and broken barriers that were thought to be unbreakable.
For a greater understanding of girl power, let’s set our clocks back to December 1955, when Rosa Parks, who stood up by simply sitting down for something that she truly believed in, created her voice in the midst of chaos. Because of the power of her voice, she broke barriers — barriers that were unthinkable to pursue, let alone break free.
How about traveling to the early 1900’s when Maya Angelou, who simply created her voice by letting her caged bird sing, surpassed the boundaries society placed on her, and flew towards her destiny. She was a lady who took pride in her woman appeal, and expressed herself in an admirable and virtuous way, and because of the depths of her mystery, people were dumbfounded at what she had to offer.
And now, returning to the present, the BeyHive, die hard Beyoncé fans, are ecstatic. Queen Bey buzzes a new sound, and stings society with her girl power. The passion and mystery in her music impacts many, and will even inspire the next generation. Girl power comes in cycles, and to continue making a positive and powerful impact, we must maintain high standards. Some of us girls have let our voices become poisonous and impure. We cannot escalate negatively because the power of a girl must only rise. We are the wisdom seekers, the commotion stirrers, the society evolvers, and the holders of divine mystery of what will be uttered next from the fruit of our lips. We must plant the seeds and spread as much light as the sound of our voices produce. Girl power is not only a movement of unity, it is a way of life that embraces every girl from every culture, spreading infinite love like confetti. Because girl power originates from love — a love that sparks the passion to be great!